We obviously don't like to see our subscribers leave, but if you choose to cancel your subscription please follow these instructions:

  1. If you would like to cancel your subscription yourself:
    1. Log into the ORD site and navigate to the My Account page.
    2. Click on the Subscriptions link. Your subscription details will appear at the bottom of the page.
    3. Click the View button that appears next to your active subscription.
    4. On the next screen click the Cancel button. Our system will process your cancellation.
    5. Please note that your account still exists and you can renew your account easily by clicking the Resubscribe button. You can also use your account to purchase other items in our store.
    6. If you have any questions or problems, please create a support ticket and we will respond to you.
    7. If you purchased your subscription using PayPal, please log into your PayPal account and confirm that the recurring payment to ORD is cancelled using this support article: 


  2. If you would like for us to cancel your subscription:
    1. Create a support request. Include your request and billing address so that we can confirm that you are the account holder.
    2. If you purchased your subscription using PayPal, please log into your PayPal account and confirm that the recurring payment to ORD is cancelled using this support article: 
