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Can I share my graphics?
You can only share the graphics or images after you add your personalized information, including the words “Young Living Independent Distributor” on them.Th...
Mon, 9 May, 2016 at 2:04 PM
How do I download graphics to my iPhone or iPad?
Please view this short instructional video.
Mon, 9 May, 2016 at 2:25 PM
How to share to Facebook?
Our team is aware that there is a problem this function of our site. We are working to resolve the issue promptly. As a workaround please follow these i...
Fri, 5 May, 2017 at 12:42 PM
How to insert multiple ORD graphics into PowerPoint or Keynote slides
This is an easy way to use your ORD subscription content for a class presentation. All you have to is follow the simple steps in this tutorial. We have trie...
Fri, 31 Mar, 2017 at 6:10 AM
How do I create an Instagram Story?
Download the images that you wish to share to your device. Follow the detailed instructions that Instagram has provided here:  How do I share a photo or...
Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 at 1:33 PM
How can I disconnect my Twitter account?
Log into the ORD site Navigate to Branding Options Scroll down to the bottom of Branding Options. Click on the green 'Disconnect my Twitter account&#...
Wed, 27 Nov, 2019 at 5:40 AM